(Closed) Nominate your favourite charity for #MeetTheScriptFamily

Someone told me that #TheScriptFamily is not just a bunch of music-obsessed fanatics. We’ve also got big hearts and our big hearts care.

I know from personal experience that #TheScriptFamily is there when you’re going through a hard time. They hold your hand, offer their ears and wrap you in lovingly with their kindness.

To meet some of you on the occasion of the Dublin gig is a privilege. It’s something that not everyone can manage: either because they’re not well physically or emotionally, or because they can’t afford it, or because they don’t have access to the things we take for granted: the internet, global music or even literacy.

The meetup in Dublin is a great opportunity for us to support those in need. “We’re more than the sum of our parts” Danny said about The Energy Never Dies, and l believe the same about us. That’s why it resonated me so deeply when the idea came up to support a charity at our meetup. nominate a charity It’s your turn now: let me know which cause is the closest to your heart. I’ll compile a shortlist and then we can vote for the charity we’d like to raise funds for in June. You’ll be able to help even if you’re not gonna be with us physically so nominate a charity here wherever you are.

Sign up for the newsletter here for regular updates about the meetup. You’ll be the first to get a chance at early bird tickets, too!


Headway Goal: They provide information, support and services to people affected by brain injury and their families. –
Why? When Glen had an accident fracturing his head, Headway was there to help him. When Danny’s mum had an aneurysm, his family benefited from this service, too. We’d like to thank them for it for being there for them and give back.

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